Up to 1 piece of carry-on baggage and 1 personal belonging
Include handbags, shopping bags, souvenirs purchased at the airport.
Total weight of 10 kg or less
The size of baggage you can carry to the cabin depends on the number of seats on the plane.
Please pack your baggage to fits in the size regulations below in advance.
More than 100 seats*
773(777)/359/789/788/767/738(73H) aircraft
Operating Airline
Size limits
Total outside dimensions: within 115cm
W: within 55cm ×H: within 40cm×D: within 25cm
Maximum weight
Within 10kg (22lbs)
Baggage size includes the handles, pockets, wheels, etc.
Less than 100 seats*
E70/E90/DH4/AT4/AT7 aircraft
Operating Airline
Size limits
Total outside dimensions: within 100cm
W: within 45cm×H: within 35cm×D: within 20cm
Maximum weight
Within 10kg (22lbs)
Item that exeeds the maximum total dimensions cannot be carried to the cabin, even each linear dimension is within the requirement.
If your baggage is oversized or overweight, or unable to be appropriately stowed in the cabin, it may need to be checked in cargo compartment at the boarding gate or cabin.
If you are bringing a baby stroller or foldable buggy, you cannot bring other carry-on items with them aside from personal effects such as handbags, cameras or umbrellas.
The baby stroller or foldable buggy cannot be used in the cabin. Please fold before passing through the boarding gate and stow it in your own case.
To passenger traveling with small aircraft less than 100 seats, It is recommended to check in your baggage or to use other means of transportation in advance.
Passengers connecting from large aircraft with 100 seats or more to small aircraft with less than 100 seats, please check the rules for small aircraft on all flights.
To know the aircraft type of your flight, please search on the domestic flight availability page. Aircraft type is indicated in 3-digit characters. 73H stands for 738 aircraft.
If your carry-on baggage exceeds the free allowance, you are required to pay the Extra Seat Charge for an extra seat.
Please stow your baggage by yourself under the seat in front or in the overhead compartment.
Also, we would appreciate your cooperation with offering consideration for the nearby passengers when stowing your bags.
Leaving baggage in a place such as aisle or emergency exits hindering the evacuation is prohibited by law.
If you are seated directly behind screen, cabin separating wall and do not have a seat in front of you, your carry-on baggage may not be placed at your feet.
Please carry on your baggage within the purview of stowable size and weight in the overhead compartment by yourself. (Carrying too large and heavy baggage onboard to stow by yourself have caused injuries and troubles between passengers.)
Passengers seated in emergency exit row are prohibited to place carry-on baggage at the feet or on the lap.
If your baggage is not securely stowed, the following situations may occur.
Cause injury
Baggage may fly out of the hands in a sudden turbulence and cause injury.
Impede emergency escape
Contents may spill out in front of emergency exits and into aisles, impeding emergency escape.
Hinder brace position
Baggage may prevent getting into proper brace position in an emergency.