Fare list - domestic flights

Find the JAL domestic fare that's right for your schedule and trip type.

Fare type

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Fare types Reservation deadline Changes permitted*1 Discount
Flex Same day Yes Available
Saver 1 day in advance No Available
Special Saver 28 day in advance No Available
Round Trip Saver 1 day in advance No Available
Promotion*2 End of promotion period No Available
*Available only to JALCARD holders.
Same day Yes Not available
Business Flex
*Available only to JAL online members.
Same day Yes Not available
Shareholder's Flex Same day Yes Available*3
Remote Island Flex
*Available only to residents of isolated islands in specific regions. 
Same day Yes Not available
Specific Route Flex
*Available only to residents of isolated islands in specific regions. 
Same day Yes Available*3
Sky Mate Fare and JALCARD Sky Mate Fare
*Sky Mate Fare is available only to Mileage Bank members aged 12 to 25.
*JALCARD Sky Mate Fare is available only to JALCARD members aged 15 to 25.

Same day

No Not available
Senior Citizen Fare
*Available only to Mileage Bank members aged 65 and older.

Same day

No Not available
  1. If you change your flight reservation, you may be charged the difference.
  2. Fares are available on certain routes for certain periods only.
  3. Only child discount is available.

Discounts and Transfer fare