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Kemasi stik golf Anda dan pergilah ke area Tokyo Raya untuk bermain golf terbaik di Jepang. Pesan dengan Japan Airlines Vacations hari ini!
Mengapa Kami Merekomendasikan Area Tokyo Raya
Area Tokyo Raya menawarkan lapangan golf yang luar biasa dengan hanya perjalanan singkat dari Tokyo. Nikmati pemandangan Jepang yang menakjubkan dan, di lapangan tertentu, pemandangan Gunung Fuji yang menakjubkan. Dengan beragam tata letak dan lanskap indah, tempat ini adalah destinasi ideal bagi pemain golf yang mencari permainan menantang dan keindahan alam.
Temukan Opsi Golf Domestik Terbaik JAL Perjalanan sehari dari Tokyo, menampilkan pemandangan Gunung Fuji, dan pengalaman golf Jepang eksklusif
Japan Airlines membantu Pemain Ski, Pemain Golf, Penyelam, dan Pesepeda yang bepergian ke Jepang.
Satu Jatah Bagasi Tercatat Tambahan untuk Peralatan Olahraga (misalnya: ski, stik, perlengkapan menyelam, dan sepeda)
Terbanglah bersama Japan Airlines untuk menikmati bermain Ski, Golf, Menyelam, dan Bersepeda di Jepang. Untuk waktu terbatas, kami menawarkan satu jatah bagasi tercatat tambahan bagi wisatawan luar negeri yang berangkat ke Jepang dengan peralatan olahraga mereka.
• Untuk mengajukan permohonan, hubungi pusat kontak kami selambat-lambatnya satu hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan penerbangan Anda.
• Jika terjadi perubahan reservasi, silakan hubungi pusat kontak kami di lokasi Anda.
Pelajari Selengkapnya
Ski dan Papan Seluncur Salju
Tas golf
Peralatan Selam dan Fotografi Bawah Laut
Syarat dan Ketentuan
Penanganan jika ada transit
Kami menawarkan tarif khusus untuk penerbangan domestik ke lebih dari 30 kota di Jepang.
Dapatkan buletin JAL untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang penawaran khusus, penawaran, dan pembaruan perjalanan.
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Tristique ut pellentesque at aliquam. Viverra egestas in dictum dolor odio velit tellus. Amet leo diam viverra auctor turpis convallis id massa nibh. Mattis amet donec integer enim. Sed suspendisse at purus egestas sem. Urna a venenatis dui rhoncus sed donec eu neque.
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This pilgrimage trail in Ehime starts at Matsuyama City and will take you to two spectacular mountain temples, Temple 44 Daihö-ji and Temple 45 Iwaya-ji. Your first stop is Temple 44 Daihö-ji, also known as "the temple of Great Treasure," which stands in the middle of an ancient forest of cedar and cypress trees. Although burned down twice, the temple has since then been restored. It sits in the middle of a peaceful forest, surrounded by dense, tall trees and paths lined with ferns and moss-covered stones. On the way to Temple 45 Iwaya-ji, you will enjoy a packed lunch while gazing at the unique rock formations that leave an unforgettable impression. The hiking trails leading to Iwaya-ji can be steep, but the view when you reach the top is worth it. Surrounding Iwaya-ji is an awe-inspiring nature scene, and the architecture of the temple buildings is also an This pilgrimage trail in Ehime starts at Matsuyama City and will take you to two spectacular mountain temples, Temple 44 Daihö-ji and Temple 45 Iwaya-ji. Your first stop is Temple 44 Daihö-ji, also known as "the temple of Great Treasure," which stands in the middle of an ancient forest of cedar and cypress trees. Although burned down twice, the temple has since then been restored. It sits in the middle of a peaceful forest, surrounded by dense, tall trees and paths lined with ferns and moss-covered stones. On the way to Temple 45 Iwaya-ji, you will enjoy a packed lunch while gazing at the unique rock formations that leave an unforgettable impression. The hiking trails leading to Iwaya-ji can be steep, but the view when you reach the top is worth it. Surrounding Iwaya-ji is an awe-inspiring nature scene, and the architecture of the temple buildings is also an impressive sight to see. After the mountain walk, you can take a relaxing dip in the Furuiwaya hot springs. impressive sight to see. After the mountain walk, you can take a relaxing dip in the Furuiwaya hot springs.
9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Caption credit
The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo is located on the second floor from the ground floor of Midtown Tower, the tallest tower in Tokyo and the symbol of Tokyo Midtown, and on the 45th through 53rd floors.
Check In: 3:00 PM
9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
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