Change of flight schedule for Bangkok-Osaka and Bangkok-Nagoya

Thank you for choosing Japan Airlines.
We are currently revising the schedule of flights listed below for the departure on and after October 25, 2015.

Flight No. Route Effective period Original Schedule New Schedule
Dep. Time Arr. Time Dep. Time Arr. Time
JL727 Osaka (Kansai) -
October 25, 2015 - March 26, 2016 17:20 21:55 00:40 05:00
JL728 Bangkok -
Osaka (Kansai)
October 25, 2015 - March 26, 2016 00:40 07:50 22:55 06:05+1
JL738 Bangkok -
Nagoya (Chubu)
October 25, 2015 - March 26, 2016 22:55 06:20+1 00:40 08:05

Our website may temporarily display original schedule instead of new schedule due to system reason.
We apologize that it may cause inconvenience to you.
For customers holding reservation for above listed flight, please contact Japan Airlines reservation office, or
your travel agent for any inquiries.

Japan Airlines Reservation Office in Thailand.
English Language 001800-852-5533 Daily 07:00-17:00 (Thailand Time)
Thai Language    0-2131-3300 8:00-17:00 (Thailand Time) /ex. Sa.Su.Hol.
*Domestic call charges may apply.
*This telephone number is only accessible to cellphones and landlines registered in Thailand
(No roaming cellphones or public phones). Please dial the number exactly as it is shown.

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