1. 概要
2. 范围
- 燃油附加费
- 航空相关的各种税金、机场设施使用费、航空保险特殊费、中途停留费等政府或地方当局所规定的费用
- 包括改期费、取消费等票务条款上的适用费用或由日航特别规定的费用。
- 拒付或使用IATA第890号决议中的不正卡
- 新创建或更改预订
- 佣金:确保佣金及佣金召回的正确应用
3. 违反出票或退款
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项目 | 说明 | 罚金 |
缺少必填项 | 缺少的必填项,例如背书框、联票号、原始票号等 | CNY300/人 |
Tour code | 遗漏/错输/无效Tour Code | CNY300/人 |
开票方式 | 未正确开票(如票价规则、对象条款等) | CNY300/人 |
不正使用日航票本 | 开在JL(131)票本上但无JL航段 | CNY300/人 |
错误使用他社航班 | 包含未被允许的他社航班 | CNY300/人 |
不完整行程 | 开票后有WL/OPEN航段 | CNY300/人 |
不正开票 |
对于无视票价规则/日航购票指示的信息,例如使用不正确的舱位或开票时的舱位与预订时不同、WL航段、隐藏城市、超出目的地和跨境等 | CNY300/人 |
包含测试航段 | 包含与搭乘航段无关的测试航段 | CNY300/人 |
信用卡相关 | 不正使用未经授权的第三方的信用卡开票被信用卡公司拒付及JL收到信用卡公司拒付的情况 | CNY300/人 |
使用日航未获准的支付方式开票 | 使用客人名义以外的任何旅行社公司卡,代理人的个人信用卡或任何虚拟卡和虚拟帐号 | 视情况而定 |
输入虚假票号 | 手动输入与搭乘者名字/行程不符的票号或已使用过的票号的情况 | CNY300/人 |
违反中途停留 | 超出允许的停留次数或未支付停留费的情况 | CNY300/人 |
开票地与预约地不一致 | 为了规避空座情况,手续费或者航空公司的管理而故意异地开票的情况 | CNY300/人 |
退票 | 错误计算票价/税金/燃油附加费/折扣或者退票方式错误/超过有效期退票的情况 在JL告知可在GDS进行退票后仍不进行退票处理的情况 |
CNY300/人 |
不正使用豁免代码 | 未经允许使用豁免代码退票或者符合政策但未输豁免代码的情况 | CNY300/人 |
4. 关于违反预订
Please scroll horizontally.
项目 | 日航预订政策 |
内容 | 罚金 |
重复预订 | 第1条 | 同一旅客,行程表上出现无法按序完成的多个行程 | CNY300/人/航段 |
出发前取消预订 | 第2条 | 没有事前变更或取消航班导致没有搭乘的情况 | CNY300/人/航段 |
姓名变更 | 第3条 | 更改搭机乘客姓名的情况 | CNY300/人/航段 |
延长购买期限 |
第4条 | 未在开票期限内开票,为了延长购票期限而反复创建或取消预订的情况 | CNY300/人/航段 |
违反联程航段控制 | 第5条 | 故意分割或解除由“联程航段控制”链接的O&D行程 | 每人/每航段与全价票的差额或CNY3000/每人/每航段,以金额较高者为准 |
出发地(POC)信息不正 | 第6条 | 不正操作出发地(POC)信息 | 每人/每航段与全价票的差额或CNY3000/每人/每航段,以金额较高者为准 |
预约地及开票地(POS)的不正操作 | 第7条 | 以确保座位等为目的,故意在行程始发国家之外的国家进行预订操作 | 每人/每航段与全价票的差额或CNY3000/每人/每航段,以金额较高者为准 |
预订舱位不符 | 第8条 | 未使用票价规定的舱位进行预订的情况 | CNY300/人/航段 |
虚拟预订 |
第9条 | 出现虚拟预订的情况 |
CNY300/人/航段 |
团队记录的分割 |
第10条 | 同一行程的团队客人,未预定在同一记录的情况 | CNY300/人/航段 |
安全飞行旅客数据(SFPD)输入 | 第12条 | 未在指定的截止日期之前完成目的地所需的SFPD注册的情况 | CNY300/人/航段 |
遵守国内航空运输权 | 第14条 | 未遵守各国政府限定航权的预订情况 | 视情况而定 |
未使用的航段闲置 | 第15条 | 未在航班起飞24小时前取消未使用的航段(HK,TK,KK,HX,UN,UC,NO等)的情况 | CNY300/人/航段 |
备注航段的闲置 | 第16条 | 未在航班起飞24小时前取消备注航段(GK,YK,DS等)的情况 | CNY300/人/航段 |
PNR所有者的变更 |
第19条 | 以我司未经批准的方式更改PNR所有者的情况 | CNY300/人/航段 |
5. 发行ADM及提出争议的程序
- ADM的发行、计费和异议会通过BSPLINK进行。
- 从最后一次登机之日起9个月内或从退款之日起9个月内,将通过BSP Link发行ADM并向旅行社收费。超过9个月的请款将在BSP之外结算。
- 日航将标明开具ADM原因的详细说明。
- 根据国际航空运输协会第850m号决议,旅行社应在自ADM发布当日起15天内(包括星期六、星期日和节假日)通过BSP Link对ADM提出异议。
- 提出异议时,请提供上诉理由和必要的信息。
- 异议的复议结果将在受理之日起60天内通过BSPLINK进行通知。
- 在审查过程中,有争议的ADM不会通过BSP结算。
- 如果争议被拒绝, ADM将根据金额在下一个结算期结算。
- 如果对ADM没有异议,它将被发送到IATA数据处理中心(DPC),并在发布ADM 15天后结算。
6. 适用法律
Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.
In accordance with IATA Resolution 850m, Japan Airlines (JAL) hereby revises its Agency Debit Memo (ADM) Policy to be applied in BSP China.
This ADM policy is valid from April 20, 2023 until further notice.
1. General
JAL will raise ADMs to collect amounts or make adjustments to agent transactions in respect of the issuance with JL plate (131) and use of BSP Standard Traffic Documents in ticketing/EMD, reissues and refunds in accordance with IATA Resolution 850m. When penalty charge is clearly mentioned, we issue ADMs based on the amount.
2. Scope
For ticket issuance, revalidation, reissue, refund and EMD issuance, refund with automated and/or manual fare quotes of all fare elements for published and private fares validated on JL.
The scope covers but is not limited to;
- Fuel surcharges
- Taxes and/or any government or local authority charges
- Change fees, Cancellation charge and/or applicable charges stated as part of the ticketing conditions or specifically informed by JAL
- Charge back cases or using unauthorized Credit Card defined on IATA Resolution 890
- Newly created PNRs or updated PNRs
- Commission: Ensuring correct commission or recall commission has been applied correctly
3. Violation of ticketing and refunds
JAL will issue ADM and claim the amount mentioned as penalty charge for following violations, in addition to fare difference.
Item | Description | Penalty Charge |
Required Ticket Fields | For missing required inputs such as Endorsement box, conjunction ticket number, the original ticket number, etc. | CNY300 Per passenger |
Tour Code | For missing/incorrect/invalid Tour Code. | CNY300 Per passenger |
Ticketing Method | If the ticket is not issued correctly (fare rules, applicable conditions, etc.) | CNY300 Per passenger |
Inappropriate Use of JAL Validation | For usage of 131 CIP when JL is not included in the itinerary. | CNY300 Per passenger |
Incorrect Carrier Use | For including carriers when the fare rule/ticketing instruction does not allow. | CNY300 Per passenger |
Ticketing Incomplete Itinerary | For issuing with WL or open segments when the ticketing instruction and/or fare rule does not allow. | CNY300 Per passenger |
Abusive or Fraudulent Ticketing | For disregarding fare rules/JAL ticketing instruction such as using incorrect class or different class from the PNR, WL sector as HK, hidden city, beyond-destination and cross border, etc. | CNY300 Per passenger |
Ticketing Passive Segments | For issuing passive segments not substantiated by the corresponding active segments. | CNY300 Per passenger |
Credit Card Payment | Using unacceptable Credit Card. Charge back cases due to fraud use of Credit Card by a third person and/or JL receives a credit card dispute (charge back). |
CNY300 Per passenger |
Ticketing by Unacceptable Payment Method Against JAL Payment Policy | For using agents own card or any physical cards, virtual cards and Virtual account numbers issued in the name of the Travel Agent or someone acting on behalf of the Travel Agent. | Presented each time |
Registration of Fictitious Ticket Number | For manually inserting a fictitious or previously used ticket number that does not match with passenger and/or existing itinerary in the PNR. | CNY300 Per passenger |
Stopover Violation | For deviating from the allowed number of stopovers or for the stopover without paying charges. | CNY300 Per passenger |
Ticketing Outside the Booking Country | For ticketing willfully conducted in a country other than that of the booking in order to avoid Airline’s control such as availability, fees and so on. | CNY300 Per passenger |
Refunds | For refunds with incorrect amount of fare, tax, surcharge, cancellation charge or recall commission or for refund by incorrect method or beyond valid period. For refunds that JAL has permitted to refund by GDS but AGT did not process. |
CNY300 Per passenger |
Incorrect Use of Waiver Code | For refunding inapplicable tickets with waiver code or for refunding without waiver code. | CNY300 Per passenger |
4. Violation of booking
When the corresponding action is detected, ADM will be issued according to the amount specified for each item.
Item | JAL Booking Policy |
Description | Penalty Charge |
Duplicate Bookings | Article 1 | For booking multiple seats on the same or conflicting flights on single or multiple PNRs for a same passenger. | CNY300 Per segment/per passenger |
Cancelation of Booking Before Departure | Article 2 | For failure of use the reserved flight without advance change or cancelation. | CNY300 Per segment/per passenger |
Invalid Name Change | Article 3 | For changing/correcting passenger name field. | CNY300 Per segment/per passenger |
Churning | Article 4 | For repeatedly cancelling/booking same itinerary in the same or different classes on one or more PNRs without ticketing by ticketing time limits. | CNY300 Per segment/per passenger |
Married Segment Control Violation | Article 5 | For intentionally breaking Married Segment Control. | Difference in fare between the highest applicable normal published fare of the applicable cabin and the fare collected per passenger or CNY3000 per segment/per passenger, whichever is greater |
Fraudulent Manipulation of Point of Commencement (POC Violation) | Article 6 | For unauthorized manipulation of Point of Commencement. | Difference in fare between the highest applicable normal published fare of the applicable cabin and the fare collected per passenger or CNY3000 per segment/per passenger, whichever is greater |
Fraudulent Manipulation of Booking Locale (POS Violation) | Article 7 | For booking willfully conducted from a country other than where the journey begins, with the intention of securing seats, etc. | Difference in fare between the highest applicable normal published fare of the applicable cabin and the fare collected per passenger or CNY3000 per segment/per passenger, whichever is greater |
Booking Class Fraud | Article 8 | For not issuing in booking class specified by the fare, or for issuing in different booking class than the PNR. | CNY300 Per segment/per passenger |
Fictitious Booking | Article 9 | For fictitious bookings. | CNY300 Per segment/per passenger |
Scatter Booking | Article 10 | For making group bookings which have same itinerary in multiple PNRs. | CNY300 Per segment/per passenger |
Secure Flight Passenger Data | Article 12 | For failure to register SFPD required by country of travel. | CNY300 Per segment/per passenger |
Disregarding Cabotage | Article 14 | For disregarding the cabotage rule issued by each government. | Presented each time |
Discarding Unused Segments | Article 15 | For failure to remove non-ticketed unused segments (HK, TK, KK, HX, UN, UC, NO etc.) more than 24 hours prior to flight departure. | CNY300 Per segment/per passenger |
Discarding Passive Segments Not Used for Ticketing | Article 16 | For failure to remove passive segments (GK, YK, DS etc.) not used for ticketing more than 24 hours prior to flight departure. | CNY300 Per segment/per passenger |
PNR Claim | Article 19 | For processing PNR claim which is not approved by JAL. | CNY300 Per segment/per passenger |
5. Processing of ADMs and Opposition Procedure
JAL will charge CNY300 per ticket as administration fee unless penalty charge is clearly mentioned.
- BSP Link is exclusive medium through which ADMs must be billed and disputed.
- ADMs will be issued through BSP Link within 9 months of final travel date or refund date of the related STDs. For those beyond 9 months, ADMs will be issued manually out of BSP Link.
- JAL will provide specific details as to why the ADM is raised.
- In accordance with IATA Resolution 850m, agent shall dispute an ADM through BSP Link within 15 days (Including Saturday, Sunday and holidays) from the issued date of ADM.
- All disputes must be addressed and submitted with detailed information including supporting documents.
- JAL will reply within 60 days via BSP Link stating acceptance or denial of the dispute with clear explanation.
- Disputed ADMs will not be settled through BSP during the review.
- If the dispute is rejected, the ADM will be included in the next available billing.
- When there are no disputes concerning the ADM, it will be sent to the IATA Data Processing Center (DPC) 15 days after the issue date and settled.
6. Governing law
The contents are to be interpreted by the law in conformity with Japanese law.
Please refer to this link for the Japan Airlines Booking Policy.