Japan Airlines Co.,Ltd. Accessibility Plan 2023 - 2025


In August 2019, we established the "JAL Group Service Policy on Accessibility Improvement" in order to provide an accessible environment for all customers, aiming to create a society where everyone could enrich their lives through travel. A copy of the JAL Group Service Policy on Accessibility Improvement is attached and forms part of this Accessibility Plan.

[JAL Group Service Policy On Accessibility]
Based on the JAL Philosophy which constitutes the basic mindset of employees, we will:

  1. Provide a stress-free travel experience for all our customers.
  2. Offer various travel options to all our customers.
  3. Co-create well-being through travel, with our customers and society.

All of the above principles apply with respect to all of our customers, including customers with disabilities.

Feedback Process and Alternative Formats

In case customers wish to provide feedback regarding this Accessibility Plan or require additional explanations or in respect of any accessibility related feedback, the contact information is below. Feedback can be provided in person, by mail, telephone, via email or through any electronic means that JAL uses to communicate with the public. The designated JAL feedback contact will process the feedback internally, even feedback that is provided anonymously and, for feedback not sent anonymously, we will acknowledge receipt in the manner received within a reasonable time period of receipt.

Contact: Japan Airlines Customers Support Office, General Manager

Phone 81-3-5460-3715
Email ・https://www.5971.jal.co.jp/rsv/CustomersVoiceInput_en.do
Address Nomura Real Estate Tennozu Building, 4-11, Higashi-Shinagawa 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

This Accessibility Plan is being offered in alternative formats: print, large print, Braille, audio format, and electronic format. Requests for any of these alternative formats can be directed to the contact information above.


Based on our basic policy of promotion of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) that we value the diverse traits of our employees and will create new values, we promote the employment of persons with disabilities and creating an environment where each individual's personality and abilities can be utilized (ex. proactive participation by employees with disabilities to improve accessibility standards.) 

Built environment

The cabin environment of the aircraft that Japan Airline is introducing on its Canadian routes meets the requirements of large foreign airlines as set forth in the ATPDR.
Aircraft purchased in FY23 will also meet specifications in line with the above.
When introducing new aircraft in the future, we will continue to pursue a more comfortable environment that meets the above requirements and takes universal design into consideration to ensure accessible settings for all passengers.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The following JAL HP in Canada is Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 compliant is attached to and forms part of this Accessibility Plan.
In FY23-25, we will continue to support web accessibility standards that comply with international standards and we will work to reinforce and, if required, improve our communications with passengers with disabilities. We will use reasonable efforts to provide and simplify special assistance provisions and continue to review and, if necessary, improve our Accessibility Guidelines over time.

Communications, other than ICT

We will continue to identify and remove any barriers in addressing passengers with disabilities via other methods. For example, writing boards will have been placed at the check-in counter.
If passengers are visually impaired and require assistance to move to the boarding gate, a staff member will provide the assistance.
By FY25, we will enhance support functions to facilitate communication for the visually and hearing impaired, such as communication boards and hearing support. Progress will be reported annually.

Procurement of goods, services and facilities

The aircraft that Japan Airlines is introducing on its Canadian routes meet the requirements for large foreign carriers as set forth in the Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (ATPDR).
We will also consider improving the inflight entertainment service offered on board by FY25.
Whenever reasonably possible, we will use reasonable efforts to consult with persons with disabilities to help us evaluate accessibility to JAL services, goods and facilities.

Design and delivery of programs and services

During FY23, we are considering providing and expanding accessibility materials specifically for the use of our overseas regional staff. That includes access to wheelchair services and training staff who handle, load and unload mobility aids and the provisions of physical assistance as applicable.


We will continue to comply with transportation related requirements, legislation and regulations for Canadian routes that are relevant to large foreign carriers, including as set forth in the Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (ATPDR).
From the check-in counter to after arrival, support services are provided according to the type of disability. (wheelchair services, attendant service, etc.)
No secondary transportation is mentioned in this section as there are none contracted.

Provisions of CTA accessibility-related regulations

Japan Airlines complies with the applicable sections of the following related laws and regulations.


We have conducted face-to-face discussions with JAL SUNLIGHT which is a special subsidiary with a philosophy of leveraging diversity, and creating new value based on an environment where disability is not a barrier to work, with about half of all employees being people with disabilities. The discussions were held with members with physical disabilities, on May 22, 2023 and received feedback that while environmental improvements are important, there are also things that can be covered by human services, so it is necessary to work on improving accessibility in terms of both tangible/intangible processes, methods and policies without lacking balance. From time to time, we will consult with persons with disabilities, disability groups and associations, either through JAL SUNLIGHT or otherwise, to discuss and receive feedback on accessibility matters.